Grade 4 students have been enjoying their Music lessons with Mr. Phillip Close. Throughout this term, we have been exploring various wood wind, brass, string and percussion instruments. It is really interesting to study how various instruments make sound. It is FUN doing Music.

-Sibel Uguz, Grade 4

In our Physical Education lessons, we have been learning how to play tennis. In the beginning we do a warm up game and then we practise our tennis skills using our tennis racquets and balls. Our tennis teacher is very nice and we are having a GREAT time with her.

-Adam Abdelmaksoud, Grade 4

Grade 4s participated in a First Aid lesson organised by the Saint John’s Ambulance. They taught us how to help people in case of different emergencies. We practised how to make a phone call to emergency services and what steps to follow if anyone gets injured. It was a very informative and useful lesson.

-Mohamed Alaathamy, Grade 4

Grade 4
Grade 4
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Mrs. Amninder Malhi
Grade 4 Teacher